Homeopathy, Auricular & Bioenergetic Medicine
What Is Disease ?
A disease, simply put, is a collection of symptoms. Any symptom such as pain,
headache, inflammation, fatigue or itch act as a warning signal that the body is
under stress and unable to maintain optimum function of our organ systems.
These symptoms are the result of the body attempting to heal and regulate its
imbalanced state.
Knowing this, what Is next ?
If we recognize that our symptoms are a reflection of the body's imbalanced
state, then next, we must ask why. What is causing this symptom ? Which
organs are compromised ? What underlying factors contribute to those
symptoms ? These questions are answered by using an assessment
technique called Auricular Medicine. Biotherapeutic drainage is the technique
used for treatment.
Treatment using biotherapeutic drainage.
Biotherapeutic drainage is a philosophy and method of healing the body by
using complex potentised remedies. Dr. Berroville, a French physician in the
late 1800's and a pioneer of biotherapeutic drainage states, "The theory of
drainage is, before all, a theory of purification of the intoxicated organism that
shows symptoms."
The practice of biotherapeutic drainage is to reverse the process through which
the body became toxic and developed symptoms. It begins with the use of
remedies to improve the function of the elimination organs. By improving the
function, the body then begins to metabolize the accumulated toxins. As the toxin load is reduced, all the organ systems can return to optimal function and the body will then become self-healing again.
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